Monday, October 19, 2009

Job #....well, I've lost count

I've got to start by detailing the past 2 weeks.

Two weeks ago, Mark had an interview scheduled for Wed afternoon.  We planned for him to come home Wed morning (he ended up coming home Tues night, which was FINE by me).

Last week, he was called on Tuesday for an interview.  He came home and interviewed...again...on Wed.  Same day, different company.  That was the one that we really, really wanted.  He didn't get it.

Third week (today): He went back up to KC last night.  This morning...first thing...he gets a call from a company here in Wichita wanting to interview him today or tomorrow.  They are very interested in him based on his resume' and would like to potentially start him on training in St. Louis as early as a week from TODAY Monday!  WHOA!

So, we need prayers for clarity...prayers for this to be an obvious decision...prayers for it to be sufficient money...prayers for confidence for Mark as he goes to the interview.  PRAYERS, my faithful readers.  You all have been such faithful prayer warriors for me throughout this rough season of life.  Mark and I weathered quite a marital storm through it all, as well, and we're glad to be through that storm and happier in our marriage than we've ever been before.  I know that that is because of the prayers of many of you.  He has not lost heart during this emotionally draining/depleting time and I know that THAT is because of your faithful prayers.  Thank you all for helping to carry us through this time.  God has truly provided for us day by day and hour by hour and minute by minute. 

If this is not the job for Mark, I want it to be painfully obvious.  I have a different feeling in my gut/heart about this one, just seems...well, right.  Perhaps this time of separation with him in KC has been preparing me for him to be gone for training.  Next Monday is our anniversary, so that might be sad if he's gone, but if it is an end to our job search, it would be well worth it to sacrifice.  After all, marriage is not about anniversaries, but a day-to-day committment to each other, and we've got that down PAT! 

Anyway, if you would lift us up, I would appreciate it.  I would love it if this is the last time I have to request prayers for my husband's job search, but I am thankful that you all will take us before the Father each and every time we ask regardless.  We love you all, friends!

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Hi Devon, I hope Mark's interview went well yesterday. You guys have been in Rocky & I's prayers since we saw you at the conference. How long would the training last for in St. Louis?