Monday, July 16, 2007

So, here's what I mean about Satan working on me...I haven't even GLANCED at this blog since the last post, as I knew that I would be challenging myself to spend more time with God and such. Just to daily time with focusing on little sibling yet for more fighting...less worrying about money...let's see...everything is good.

My princess started walking last night. Pretty exciting. You'll want to check out my xanga ( for a proverbial butt-load of recipes that I just put on there.

I went and re-read my 2 previous posts on here and found some stupid spelling/grammar errors...obviously I did not proof those too well. I DO know the difference between there/their/they' is actually 1 of my pet peeves and I screwed it up!

That's all I'm writing for now. I'll do more later....HOPEFULLY! :)

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