Tuesday, March 9, 2010


[UPDATE]  Once Conrey GOT to sleep (after an hour and a half of grieving his old friend "mah-mah"--his word for paci), he slept like a champ all night long and I didn't have to get up with him once!  PRAISE GOD!!!

This could be a VERY long night.  The paci's have all been clipped.  He is a sad boy.  We'll see how it goes...  I'll update tomorrow...if I'm conscious.


Donna said...

Hang in there Momma. It will be okay!

Unknown said...

Good luck Devon!! Kinsey is 18 months this month and I just can't do it yet. She is beyond attached at this point!!!

Rebekah said...

That's awesome! Glad to hear it went well!

Amber said...

We just went through the same thing with Kaitlyn 2 weeks ago. Patrick looked at her teeth at Hunter's bday party and said we needed to lose the paci sooner rather than later. So 2 days later we took them all away and surprisingly she did great. She doesn't fall asleep as fast as she used to but overall its been much easier than I anticipated. You'll probably think the same thing a few weeks from now.

Holly said...

That's great! I'm so glad to hear it went smoothly. How has it gone since then?? Way to go Conrey (and Mommy!!)!