As you all know, Lord willing, we will be adding our little boy to our family in June. Well, he has gone from He-Who-Could-Not-Be-Named to....
We are so excited. Connery is the name that we liked since this summer (before I was pregnant), but we just kept looking at different names. However, we both still loved it and always came back to it. NOW, it's official...or, at least it WILL be once he's born.
Thanks for your prayers during our pregnancy, but don't stop 'em! :)
By the way, Laura...I tried calling you and Dustin both last night so that you wouldn't find out via my blog, but rather over the phone. I guess you guys were being too romantical to answer the phone! :)
No romance. Dustin was feeling sick, then Callie was fussy and puked, Dustin finished setting up his hew TV and I went to work.
Dustin mentioned you calling him but I didn't know you called me. Sorry. I was watching your blog for the news. Connery is cute. :)
Hope you had a good V-Day!
Yay! A Name! I think Connery Graham sounds great and will go well with Cassie! Congrats on the decision. Hope you guys have a good weekend!
What happened to teaching Cassie to call him Keaton?
The Keaton I know is about 6 months or so. My friend Belle (2 yrs) is very fond of Baby Keaton. So much so, that I was holding Baby Elijah (3 months) and Belle wanted to say Hi to Baby Keaton.
I said, "This is not Baby Keaton, this is Baby Elijah. Can you say Hi to Baby Elijah?"
She answered, "Hi Baby Not Keaton!"
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