Friday, August 3, 2007

A bit brighter

I'm a bit brighter than I was yesterday, although the cloud over my head has not fully disappated. I think that we're having friends over tonight, which is always cause for a little more happiness, neh?

For those of you who don't know, I am a HUGE fan of the game "Settlers of Catan." It is an awesome game that really makes you think. It is hard to find unless you go on the internet, but I got it for myself last Christmas. You really need the expansion pack, which makes the total purchase price around $50. OUCH! However, it is well worth it. If you've never played it, though, I suggest that you don't play it unless you're playing with someone that has played it before. It is an intense game and I think that it's much better if you learn by hearing all of the rules and then watching game play by experienced gamers.

Some of our fellow Settlers friends recently introduced us to a new game called "Puerto Rico." It is similar in that it is intense and really makes you think about strategy and such. I have only played it once and have been itching to play again ever since. It already is a close contender for my favorite game.

These games are both endorsed by Mensa...the organization for exceptionally smart people. However, don't let that scare you. They are fun for EVERYONE (age appropriate) once you get the hang of it!

I just wanted to do a lighter post about something I really enjoy! Let me know what games you enjoy! Hope you all have a great weekend!


Michelle said...

Or you can be lunky like me and score it for $5, brand new at a garage sale :P

Let's play Puerto Rico!

Michelle said...

excuse me, lucky

Anonymous said...

I'm jealous! Hope you have fun tonight! -- AT

Devion said...

Yeah, was cancelled. No fun for us! That adds a bit to the dulldrums, now doesn't it! Mark was in a funk and mommy tike's little one was sleeping. Tracy was making Ben work on the computers at the office. AT--Next time we'll give you a buzz if we actually DO get together! :)

Devion said...

OH! AND, Mommy Tike did NOT find it at a garage sale for $5...I DID!!! GRRR!!! It was way after getting mine, but it was still irritating!