So, my sister-in-law, Michelle's, mom is a retired beautician. SO, she said to get the vivid red/orange toned down to add in ash blonde to the mix. Oh, brother. I did. Now, I have burgandy hair. Laura--would totally be your thing and you would rock it out. Do you all know how I look with dark hair? Well, you will as soon as you see me or as soon as I get my camera to cooperate, because I have dark, burgandy/maroon hair in the front and it is all DIFFERENT colors throughout the rest. Oh, me!
I just need to point out 1 tiny thing to my dear, s-i-l, Laura. I seem to remember a certain haircut that caused quite a stir and some tears! :) Laura got her hair cut once and they practically scalped her. It was SHORT. However, she pulled it off and always looks great in short hair.
I actually am not sad or crying or anything over this. I think that it's incredibly funny.....I just can't go out in public! HA! So, if you want to laugh at me, you'll have to come over.
Well, my timer just went off, so I am going to go eat. I will post about my day with Emberley later.
yeah, I was thinking about that as I wrote to you. :) I hid under the covers and said I was not leaving until it grew out cause I looked like a boy. Then my friend, Farah, fixed it for me and it was one of the cutes cuts I ever had. :) I loved it.
So you may discover you love multi-colored burgandy/crayon red/blond hair. YOu should throw in some green or blue. You know, for a accent color. Think about it.
ha ha ha you are too funny!!!
I got my hair cut recently. I, too, had a bad experience. She cut it WAY too short and I think it's awful. The first few days were the worst. Now I just ignore it. I tell everyone they can't make fun of me. Two friends said they think I can pull off the shortness. I'm still not sure! JT definitely doesn't like it. -- AT
I'm sorry about your hair, AT. You should buy some girlie clips somewhere. I used those all the time when my hair was short to make it more feminine. You could try some hair paste to spike up the back maybe. That's an easy look. Try googling short hair styles and you can find all kinds of pictures of styles. Then maybe you can find something close to your cut that you can turn it into. Good luck!
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