Saturday, May 31, 2008

More later

I'm hanging in there. Only 9 more days until induction day. Hopefully, we'll get him out before then. More later.


Anonymous said...

my goodness you are ready to pop!!

John said...

heehee! I just LOVE your pregnant belly, your "timer" that popped out, and the fact that it's so adorably showing through your shirt! So cute Devon! I know, I don't want to hear that right now, but it's just too cute :)

Rebekah said...

by the was me who commented there, I was signed in as John. Just wanted you to know that John didn't say you were cute!

Mamacita said...

Wow Girl! I would say this boy is ready to come. Bless your heart:) Your back has to be hurting. We will pray that Conrey comes REAL soon! Can't wait to meet him. Your big two year old is sure a cutie.
love ya

Rebekah said...

Okay, I've been checking your blog multiple times daily to see "more"!!! So if you're not in labor, let me know!! Otherwise, I'll assume you went into labor :)