Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Not holding my breath...

So, as I've thought about everything with my pregnancy, I'm really not holding my breath that my due date is earlier. I don't know where the mix-up has occured, but I am sure of my "dates" and of when things happened and have always actually believed my due date to be June 17th rather than 15th. So, I am not fully convinced of the new due date. HOWEVER, my doctor said that he doesn't think that I'm going to make it to June 3rd even, so I guess it really doesn't matter in the BIG scheme of things...it just matters mentally and emotionally to me. If you've been pregnant, you know that there is a bit of a rollercoaster at the end with emotions of being ready to be done...being apprehensive about the delivery...being apprehensive about having a baby (or in this case, a 2nd child)...being miserable at times...lots of stuff. So, the thought of it all being done sooner rather than later is glorious, but not really reality, I don't think. We'll see.

Well, it's 9:40 and I'm exhausted...I'm going to bed. Good night!


Kelly T said...

Oh yes, the roller coaster at the end. Not looking forward to that during my next pregnancy. And wow, that's quite the baby bump you've got there. Amazing that the rest of you is still so teeny tiny. No wonder that little man wants out early.

Michelle said...

Hang in there, it's really going to be over soon and before you know it you'll be prego with #3. It goes so fast in the whole scheme of things. We can't wait to meet Mr. Conrey!